Infralegal’s international audience

  • Only 65% of visitors to Infralegal’s website are from Australia. The remaining 35% come from all around the world.

  • The countries that most use our website content are the United States (8%), the United Kingdom (6%), New Zealand (6%), Canada (2.5%) and Switzerland (2%).

  • Others include Romania, India, Republic of Korea, Germany, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Italy, Finland, France, Japan, Philippines, Spain, Ireland, Poland, Belgium, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Pakistan, Armenia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Chile, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Macao, Portugal, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore and Vietnam.

Are you one of our international subscribers? If so, please let us know what interests you via the comments section below.

Owen Hayford

Specialist infrastructure lawyer and commercial advisor

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